ScribeMobile App
Download App
Download the app for iPhone or Android Here
Click the ScribeMobile icon and click the App button to download.
Login to ScribeMobile
Once you have downloaded ScribeMobile to your device, open the app. Note: You do not need to go into the device’s general settings to login.
Enter in your login credentials to begin using ScribeMobile.
Configure ScribeMobile Settings
After you login, you will see the dashboard:
In order to configure settings, click on the cog wheel in the upper right corner.
It will take you to this screen:
The following settings can be configured here:
- Save Password: Allows user to leave app or shut down app while still saving user’s password for quick login.
- Save Filters: Allows user to save visit filters on log out. Note: Does not save date or time filters
- Advance to Next Dictation: This allows the user to automatically advance to the next dictation in the list that the user is viewing (To Dictate, Unfinished, All Visits). Note: Advance to Next Dictation adheres to the filter applied.
- Dictation Options: If enabled, you can set the group, template, and priority for each dictation so it does not have to be manually entered in every time. The screen looks like this:
- Receipt Lifespan: This adjustable slider determines how long dictation receipts stay visible in the Outbox (Sent) folder:
- Inactivity Logout: Logs the user out after a period of inactivity. App must be minimized or phone locked. The slider has a range from 0 minutes (locks as soon as app is minimized) to 90 minutes.
ScribeMobile Workflow with Schedule Integration
Go to Visits
On the dashboard screen, select visits. The screen will look like this:
Note: By default, the filter is set to only display visits for ‘today’. In this case, there are no visits for today.
In the upper right corner, click on the funnel icon to bring up the filters:
Here is the filter screen. On this screen you can set:
- Date Range: Please note that there is a maximum of 7 days for the date range.
- Sort by: Default sorting is by Date. You can sort by Date, Last Name, First Name, and MRN. Sorting by 2 categories is available. The second category is available after the first one is set. For example, you can sort by Date and then by Last Name.
- Facility: You can choose which Facility you would like to narrow your results list down by.
- Visit Status: You can specify the visit status to narrow your results list.
- Provider: You can select which provider you would like to view visits for
Saving the filters from options keeps all filters except for Date and Time. This is to ensure the user is viewing all of today’s visits. Click the X in the upper right to remove all filters:
Here is what the Visit results screen looks like after these date filters are applied ( Note: when a filter is applied, the funnel icon in the upper right becomes filled in):
Note: The blue checkmarks indicate that Scribe has already received a dictation for that patient. This occurs when a patient has been dictated on and the dictation has been sent to Scribe from another device.
You have the patient names on the left side and the date of visit on the right side. Using the above search bar you can search for:
- Patient First Name
- Patient Last Name
- Date of Visit
- Time of Visit
Dictate on a Visit
Select a patient from your “To Dictate” list in order to begin dictating on that patient. The app will take you to the recorder screen as seen here:
To begin recording, push the red recording icon. You can change the group, template, and priority while you record if needed. When you are done recording, push the stop button to stop recording. To listen to what has been recorded so far, push the play button. If you want to overwrite existing audio, move the audio slider to a position and hit the record button. If you would like to clear the recording but not delete the dictation, slide left on the blue recording section to reveal the clear button. If you would like to delete the dictation completely, push the trash bin icon in the bottom right corner.
If you push and hold the play button briefly, it will rewind the dictation 5 seconds and begin playing from there.
Attach Media to Dictation
We have now included the ability to attach photos and video to dictations. Simply press the camera icon and either choose an existing photo from your camera roll or take a new photo/video:
Once you’ve select photo(s) to add, it will display in the box:
If you want to remove a media file, click on the Edit button in the upper right, then choose the file(s) to delete and click on the trash bin at the bottom. If you want to cancel deleting the file(s), click Done in the upper right:
When you are done with the recording/media, click on the microphone at the bottom (if on media screen), and then push the send icon in the upper right corner to send the file to Scribe.
If you aren’t done with the recording, it will automatically save it so you can come back to it at a later time to continue recording on it. Simply select the unfinished dictations from the dashboard. It will bring up this screen:
To continue recording on an unfinished dictation, choose an unfinished visit and it will bring up the recording screen with your recorded dictation.
Send a Recording
To send a recording to Scribe, simply push the “send” icon.
After you push send, dependent on your settings (Advance to next dictation), you’ll either return to the menu you were previously at or you will proceed to the next dictation.
To check sent files go to the dashboard and select Outbox. There will be two ‘tabs’ at the top of the Page. Pending and Sent. The pending tab shows file(s) that you’ve sent to our servers but were unable to reach our servers due to a bad internet connection either over WiFi or cellular. The sent tab shows all files that were successfully received by Scribe:
You can search this list by patient name, date, MRN, Ref ID, and Visit ID. Note: In the example above, the patients with “MRN: ?” means that no MRN was entered for that patient and therefore, no MRN is displayed.
All Visits
Once you’ve selected a patient from the To Dictate list and begun recording on that patient, the patient will be removed from the to dictate list and either placed in unfinished dictations (if you haven’t finished the dictation yet) or in the outbox if you have sent the file. If you would like to record another dictation on a patient already dictated on, simply choose to dictate from the dashboard and then from the visits screen, select the ‘all’ tab:
On this screen you can search for visits by using patient first name, last name, MRN, and date of visit. You can also apply the same filters here as the to dictate filters.
Patient list
From the dashboard screen, you will notice an option called ‘Patients’. This is where all of your patients will appear. Note: You must load visits from the visit screen before they will appear in the patient list. Patient list ‘downloads’ information from the visits screen. Here is what the patients screen looks like:
From this screen you can search by:
- Patient First Name
- Last Name
Selecting a patient from the list will take you to the patient info screen, as seen below:
From here you can see information about the patient. If you select the microphone icon, it’ll take you to the recording screen. First, let’s select the clipboard icon:
This will search the visits section for the patient you chose. You may have to adjust filter settings in the upper right in order for the patient to display. Default shows ‘today’.
Now, if you go back to the patient info screen and choose the microphone, it will take you to the recording screen:
Patient and MRN info are already filled out. If you have dictation options set, Group, Template and Priority will already be set as well. Simply begin recording as normal and when done, click the send button in the upper right corner.
Scribe Mobile 2 Workflow without schedule integration
Simply login, configure your app settings, and from the dashboard screen, select Quick Dictation. This will bring you to the recording screen where you can begin recording. If you have dictation options set and have default group/template/priority set, those fields will automatically be filled out. If not, you can select those fields while you record. Here is what the recording screen looks like:
MRN and Visit ID fields are optional. You can input information into these fields while you dictate.
To begin recording, push the red recording icon. When you are done recording, push the stop button to stop recording. To listen to what has been recorded so far, push the play button. If you want to overwrite existing audio, move the audio slider to a position and hit the record button. If you would like to clear the recording but not delete the dictation, slide left on the blue recording section to reveal the clear button. If you would like to delete the dictation completely, push the trash bin icon in the bottom right corner.
If you push and hold the play button briefly, it will rewind the dictation 5 seconds and begin playing from there.
Attach Media to Dictation
We have now included the ability to attach photos and video to dictations. Simply press the camera icon and either choose an existing photo from your camera roll or take a new photo/video:
Once you’ve select photo(s) to add, it will display in the box:
If you want to remove a media file, click on the Edit button in the upper right, then choose the file(s) to delete and click on the trashbin at the bottom. If you want to cancel deleting the file(s), click Done in the upper right:
When you are done with the recording/media, click on the microphone at the bottom (if on media screen), and then push the send icon in the upper right corner to send the file to Scribe.
If you aren’t done with the recording, it will automatically save it so you can come back to it at a later time to continue recording on it. Simply select the unfinished dictations from the dashboard. It will bring up this screen:
To continue recording on an unfinished dictation, choose a visit and it will bring up the recording screen with your recorded dictation.
Send the Dictation
To send a recording to Scribe, simply push this icon:
After you push send, dependent on your settings (Advance to next dictation), you’ll either return to the menu you were previously at or you will proceed to the next dictation.
To check sent files go to the dashboard and select Outbox. There will be two ‘tabs’ at the top of the Page. Pending and Sent. The pending tab shows file(s) that you’ve sent to our servers but were unable to reach our servers due to a bad internet connection either over WiFi or cellular. The sent tab shows all files that were successfully received by Scribe:
You can search this list by patient name, date, MRN, Ref ID, and Visit ID. Note: In the example above, the patients with “MRN: ?” means that no MRN was entered for that patient and therefore, no MRN is displayed.
Log out of Scribe Mobile 2
In order to log out, go to the dashboard and push the icon to the right of your name at the top (not the cog wheel). This will bring up a message prompt asking if you’d like to log out:
If you have your password saved, when you log out it will bring you to the login screen and the password field will already be filled out. Simply push login to log back into the system.
Viewing reports on your device
Viewing reports in the Inbox
With version 2.4, users are now able to edit, approve, and reject reports right from their device! Select the inbox tab from the dashboard, and this screen will appear:
The list of reports in the user’s inbox will populate here. Note: The reports that display here only belong to the user who is logged in. So if user A has access to user B’s reports on the web version, they will only be able to see the reports that belong to user A on the mobile version. Reports are ordered by visit date or date recorded (if no visit date exists) from most recent at the top to oldest at the bottom. If you would like to approve or reject the report, simply choose a report from the inbox list and that report will display (Note: headers and footers will not display in these reports, although they are still part of the report – they were omitted for display purposes). The inbox and archive are searchable by:
- Last Name
- Visit ID
If you are an HTML user, you are able to edit and save changes to the report from your mobile device! For more information on switching to HTML from Word, please contact Customer Support
As seen above, you can reject, approve and edit the report. Note that if a user is accessing the same report on the website, the website will always take precedence over the mobile version, and you will be unable to save your changes until the web user is no longer editing that report. Again, editing is only available for HTML users. Click Save to save the report and a success message will appear:
Viewing files in the Archive
To view archived reports, choose the archive tab at the top. Note that these reports are view only. You cannot move them to the inbox or edit them regardless if you are an HTML or Word user.
Scribe Mobile 2 sends dictations securely over HTTPS 2048 bit encryption via WiFi or Cellular network.
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