In today’s post, we’ll be talking about Chronic Care Management or CCM for short, and the approach that RoseText brings to the table.
According to Medicare, “The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognizes Chronic Care Management (CCM) as a critical component of primary care that contributes to better health and care for individuals. In 2015, Medicare began paying separately under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for CCM services furnished to Medicare patients with multiple chronic conditions..”
When it comes to Chronic Care Management, you have two options for how to implement it for your practice.
1). You can hire and train a team to do CCM in-house.
2). You can hire a company like RoseText to handle CCM for you.
With option 1, it will be costly to bring on staff and train them to do the job correctly; the risk is lost time and money if the team you hire ends up not working out. With option 2, the hard part is choosing a CCM company that will represent your practice in the best way possible, which brings us to our next point.
Why RoseText?
To provide the best CCM for patients, your practice needs a team of qualified experts that are willing to take the time to make sure your patients are well taken care of and your practice is represented professionally.
At RoseText, our team has the knowledge and experience needed to provide your patients with the best care and that makes you and your team look professional.
RoseText has been in business for 30+ years. During this time we’ve partnered with care providers all over the nation helping them with Transcription, Coding, Billing, and Practice Management Solutions. We’ve now brought the same level of quality as well as the ability to integrate with existing systems and processes to Chronic Care Management.
Because every situation is unique, we build our CCM solution around the needs of the care provider and their patients. We know that by taking this approach, we can deliver an efficient and effective solution to those we partner with.
Increase in Revenue
Along with the immediate ROI you will get from each patient you put on our CCM system, partnering with RoseText also brings you increased scalability to facilitate more patients than before. When a RoseText team member is working with a patient, we can identify and discuss their needs with them on an ongoing basis. By doing this, it allows us to make sure their needs are being met, and we can work with the patient to schedule appointments on your behalf, helping you increase the number of appointments your practice has each month.
If you’re looking for options when it comes to Chronic Care Management, RoseText would be happy to help you explore these options. We hope this post has shed some light on what it is and how we can help. To learn more about the way our Chronic Care Management solutions works we encourage you to check out or service page here.
Additionally, we have put together a pamphlet about Chronic Care Management that you can download and distribute to patients. You can download it here!
Like what you read? If you're looking for help implementing Chronic Care Management at your practice, reach out to our team of experts! Â